"Green Campus" seeks to plan and carry out politics and activities that will help to reduce the impact on the environment and thus to contribute to the Campus sustainability. To develop this plan it becomes imperative to take into account the work that has been done on the matter at a local and a global level; as a consequence of this research, the measure set by the Green Metric Ranking has been chosen as a starting point.
The University of Indonesia set in 2010 the Green Metric Ranking for universities all over the world in order to share a profile and set a way to compare the universities commitment to the environment and the sustainable resource usage. Its methodology is based on three philosophical pillars: Environment, Economy and Equity (the three Es); the ranking has five indicators:
1. Green statistics (24%)
2. Energy and Climate Change (28%)
3. Waste management (15%)
4. Water usage (15%)
5. Transportation facilities (18%)
The criteria were set based on what is thought to be relevant for universities regarding environmental issues. Some of them take account of a basic profile of the university that includes its size and zoning –urban, suburban or rural-; with this information the amount of green space is calculated. The others (concerning electricity consumption, waste management, water use and transportation) are analyzed because they provide relevant information to find out the carbon footprint (ecological footprint) each university leaves.
Percentage per indicator demanded to rank the universities:

Ranking Results 2012
Ranking Results 2011
Ranking Results 2010