Inicio / History / First Period

First period - Adaptation of the first campus, the final one (1948 - 1960)


Photograph taken in 1963, in front of Block G (current Franco Hall)

planta historia 01

imagen historia 01

In 1948 the University began to operate in rented grounds. Six years later, it purchased its first pieces of land; approximately 25.000m2 with some preexisting buildings, such as a convent and a prison for women. Due to the fact that the University had a low student population and that it offered few academic programs (among them, one that lasted 3 years in Colombia an 2 years abroad), the Campus development process focused on the buildings adaptation (ancient buildings under care for being considered cultural heritage), based on the academic and demographic needs of the moment.

Built area vs population


 periodo 1

Lands: rent and purchase.

Constructions: adaptation.

Space: determined by existing buildings.



Second Period

            Third Period

         Fourth Period



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